Help To Buy Valuation
Help to Buy Valuation Reports in Leicester, Leicestershire and surrounds
We are RICS Regulated Surveyors who are able to provide valuation advice and reports in connection with paying back your Help to Buy loan.
The criteria and procedure for preparing Help to Buy reports can seem daunting but instructing Professional House Surveys will ensure that you get the report right the first time!
For a quote, or if you’d like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Jon, Kelly, Sarah or Harriet.
Call 0116 2706604 or 0759 0040059
By way of background, the criteria laid out by Target HCA, that we can satisfy in every respect, is as follows:
The Valuer must be registered with the recognised qualification of RICS.
The Valuer must be independent to an estate agent.
The report must be on headed paper and signed by the RICS surveyor.
The Valuer MUST provide at least 3 comparable properties and sale prices.
The comparables must be like for like in terms of property type, size, and age, and within a two mile radius of the property that is being inspected.
The valuer must not be related or known to you.
The valuer must inspect the interior of the property and provide a full valuation report.
Valuations carried out for bank or mortgage purposes are not acceptable.
The inspection date must be shown on the report.
More information on managing your Help to Buy equity loan is available on the website – Last updated 22 February 2022.
BASICS - the Help to Buy Scheme was designed to help first time buyers purchase newly built properties. The basic scheme is for the purchaser to provide a 5% deposit, the Home and Communities Agency (HCA) or Government provide a maximum of 20% (maximum 40% in London) of the deposit and the mortgage lender makes up the remaining 75%. The 20% loan deposit does require repayment after 25 years or sooner if the property is sold but is interest free for five years. When it comes to paying back the loan, this is calculated at 20% of the current Market Valuation – and this is provided by the RICS Registered Valuer with the Help to Buy Valuation Report.
To get in touch with Target regarding your loan, please click here.
Please note the Valuation Report is only valid for 3 MONTHS. For a concessionary fee, we may be able to provide a desktop review and prepare an updated Valuation Report, which will last for a further 3 months. Please contact us at least a couple of weeks before the expiry deadline to discuss.